Parks and Recreation Meeting Tonight at 5:30 at the Frederic Library. This is a make-up meeting from last weeks meeting that was canceled.…
Special Planning Commission Meeting
will be held on:
Nov. 18th at 10: 00 am
The purpose is to discuss the update of the Recreation Plan to the Master Plan
and to schedule a final Public hearing date.
Sunday November 10th @ 2pm, Frederic Township Parks and Recreation will be showing the new movie of “THE LION KING”. Bring the whole family, pillows and enjoy the show.…
Frederic Township is in the process of updating the Township’s 5-year Recreation Plan. In order to qualify for MDNR recreation grant funding, communities must have a current, MDNR-approved Recreation Plan. Input from the public is an essential part of the planning process,…
Join the community of Frederic Township in our first Trunk or Treat on October 31st @ 6pm-7:30pm in Betty Sajdak Park.…
Frederic Township Zoning Ordinance effective 9-19-19…
Public Hearing Notice
Frederic Township – New Zoning Ordinance
A new Zoning Ordinance regulating the development and use of land was adopted by the Frederic Township Board of Trustees on August 20, 2019, and replaces the previous Zoning Ordinance in its entirety. The full tex…
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – 19 August 2019 CLICK HERE
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